Saturday, March 20, 2010

P-Oed at Amazon

I just received an email from Amazon saying New Moon was just shipped! Just shipped! I can expect to get it in the mail on the 25th! What?!

This will be the last time I pre-order from Amazon. I could have gone to any other store today and purchased the dvd. Instead I have a digital copy from Amazon. It was sent as a "gift"--aka, please don't be too pissed that we messed up.

Well, I am pissed. I can only watch the downloaded version once, and then the rental expires. And I feel incredibly bad if anyone out there followed my advice and pre-ordered on Amazon.

When Eclipse comes out, I will obtain the dvd at Borders. Amazon can not be trusted with such an important order.

1 comment:

  1. Oh. Em. Gee. The EXACT same thing happened over here. Best I can say is that we'll be ready for eclipse's dvd release. Speaking of I'm so bummed that we're going to be out of town for the theater release in June. Perhaps by the time Breaking Dawn comes out we can have a pre-theater party! hee hee

    ps loving the blog!
