Thursday, March 4, 2010

AI - The Ladies

I have not been good about posting. I've actually been feeling a little under the weather. This is not uncommon after a trip to New Hampshire. I run around like a crazy lady and hang out with dogs--some of which I love, others... ehh. I am super duper allergic to them though. And if I don't eat allergy medicine like candy, I end up with a cold! Lovely! So worth it though. I had a ton of fun in New Hampshire.

Something else that is making me sick, American Idol. This season is horrible!!! I am so disappointed. I watch each week hoping and believing it will be better, and it's not.

Here's what I think:

Crystal B: Great singer, not American Idol material though. Let's face it, the Sheryl Crow trend was over 10 years ago. The most the AI franchise will get out of her are some crossover fans from Lilith Fair. A-

Didi: She's alright. Lean on Me though? Are you preparing yourself to sing at 8th grade graduations? B+

Haeley: I'm with Simon on this one. Close. your. mouth. All those teeth are frightening. That and your super giddy personality make me nervous. And you can't sing Miley? B-

Katelyn: The girl can sing anything. She should drop the dramatics though. Last night's song was so slow. A-

Katie: Little Katie. She is as cute as a button, isn't she? And she can sing! I would love to hear her sing Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Miley, maybe even Beyonce. I think what the judges need to tell her is, sing someone with a younger target audience, not just sing a song by younger artist. A-

Lacey: Oh my gosh. Horrible. Boring. Annoying. D-

Lilly: She looks like a Garbage Pail Kid. It looks as though she dyes her blonde hair gray. Weird. I hate her song choices. D

Michelle: Pretty girl. She can sing. B+

Paige: Kelly Clarkson, really? It wasn't convincing. You should have "walked away" from that song. B

Siobhan: She looks like any other girl on the street. Nothing about her excites me. B-

I think Lacey gets the boot tonight. Then it's a toss-up between Siobhan and Lilly.

1 comment:

  1. I had completely forgotten about garbage pail kids! very funny missy. *snicker snicker*
