Wednesday, February 24, 2010

You can't even spell my name!

It amazes me that this city can still find new ways to irritate me.

Today, in the mail, I get a jury summons. And get this, THEY DON'T EVEN SPELL MY NAME CORRECTLY! Nope. They don't even have my name right. I changed it oh, about six months ago! And never, ever, has my name had a "k" in it. Not six months ago, and not now.

So Clerk of Superior Court of DC, you are fired. Try getting a job at Dunkin Donuts, cause lord knows they could use some help around here. And I know you are going to blame this "oversight" on the DMV, so we might was well fire whoever that person is too.

What really gets me excited is that these same people who screw up every single day are getting bonuses! BONUSES! Bonuses during a time when most local governments are cutting salaries, programs, and services.

Alright, I think I've exceed my bitching limit for the day. For more on this:

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous. I've wanted a jury summons since I moved here.
