Sunday, February 21, 2010

Move Your Damn Cars!

Move them! Shovel out the snow around your car, and move it to a garage tomorrow. Move it tonight if you want. Just freakin move your car!

Oh my god people, it has been over a week and your car is really still covered with snow? You don't care though. It's perfectly fine if it just stays right there, cause you'll take the metro or get a cab if need be. Heck no!!!!

Please, please, I beg of you, move your car so the city can plow the sides of the streets. Until then, we will be in parking hell. Your inability to exert one hour of energy is completely ridiculous. You might was well wear a button around that says, "I am a Big Jerk".

In the north (New Hampshire, Massachusetts, etc), we are told not to park our cars on the side of road during snow storms. This happens at least a half dozen times a year. We drive our cars to a parking garage or find a friend's driveway to park in. If you don't move your car, it will be moved for you (for a fee of $100). The nice city plows are then able to clear snow from the road, and this includes the parking spots! Your car doesn't get plowed in. You don't have to shovel your car of the same spot multiple times. It is really a great system!

If they can do it, so can't you! Move your car!!!

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