Friday, January 29, 2010

A stay-at-home wife's life on steriods

Sometime between Tuesday and today I stopped breathing. Just haven't had the time. I am sitting on the couch right now blogging thinking about all the things I should be doing. Showering sounds like a good idea, but I think I can get ready in 20 minutes, and am willing to push it to see just how much downtime I can get in this morning.

Wednesday I found myself running around the city like a mad woman. I went to Clarendon, which is in Virginia, which is not Washington, DC. I had to be in VA at 8am for an interview! I am not a morning person. Craig is lucky if he gets a mumbled "I love you" out of me when he heads out the door for work. To top it off, I somehow got on the wrong orange train. How you can get on the "wrong" orange train is beyond me. It started off orange, but it changed to blue. I made it though, and on time. Disaster averted.

The rest of the day: wrote thanks you to the ladies I met with at 8am, lunch with a friend, another interview, and the New Hampshire State Society Annual meeting.

Thursday morning I woke up and my right eye was in bad shape. I have some real funky eye allergy. Walking around in the cold and wind (which is what I did ALL day on Wednesday) only exasperates the problem. My eye tears uncontrollably, which makes me really uncomfortable.

After nursing my eye problem, I cleaned, and cleaned, and organized, and found more things to clean... Before I knew it was 12:45. Time to pick-up my New Hampshire visitor at BWI!

I drove there myself. This was a first. I never, ever drive in the city. The Garmin was WONDERFUL! We should have bought it sooner. So I jump in the car. I have a water and the Garmin is all set up. I put the CRV in reverse... Errr, turned on the window shield wipers. Okay, I'm not in my mother's Explorer (the last car I drove!), the shifter is not in the steering column, but in the center console. I laugh off this rather embarrassing move, and continued on my journey.

The drive was fine. I rocked out to Carrie Underwood's newest cd, "Play On". Pretty good cd, I think I like "Carnival Ride" better though. Some of my favorites on "Play On": What Can I Say--beautiful and eerie, Quitter-super cute, Songs Like This-so much fun!

So I made it back, and forth, all in one piece, and I am ready (and due for) some fun this weekend!

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