Monday, January 25, 2010

I can cook

I can cook, some things. I would much rather bake. One good thing about cooking, it's completely acceptable to drink wine or beer while cooking and then have another while eating. Yes, I do like to drink. I'm half Irish. It is in my blood. Boy, I have an excuse for everything. I eat sweets cause I'm French. I drink cause I'm Irish...

Okay, onto cooking. My new favorite thing to cook is red meat. I don't eat red meat, but Craig does. I have found that red meat is real easy to screw up. I stand over the frying pan adjusting the heat every two minutes. First I think the pan is too hot--turn it down to medium-low. A few minutes later I stick in a meat thermometer. Dang it, 95 degrees. No good. I turn it up to medium, take a few swigs of red wine, and hope for the best.

The meat thermometer is my secret. Without it Craig might get seriously ill or be eating something that closely resembles an old leather belt. And I have found THE best meat thermometer. It is digital. And not only can you pick the type of meat you are cooking, you can also pick how well you want it done.

I picked this up at my neighborhood cooking store, Hill's Kitchen Cool name, huh? The store is really fun, and if you ever come to visit (hint, hint), make sure I take you there.

So after poking the steak four or so times, it is ready for consumption. Each time I ask Craig how it is. He almost always says good. He's pretty honest. I've gotten "it's fine" a few times. And he will almost always cut the steak to show me just how well I've done. He will offer me a bite too, but it doesn't interest me, and I politely decline.

Funny the things we find exciting as adults. Not so long ago I would have been happy to sneak some snacks from the dining hall. Now I want to crown myself Top Chef after successfully cooking a steak.

Craig will be having filet mignon tonight. And I will have a veggie burger. Wish me luck!

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