Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Right Hand Ring

I think every woman should have a right hand right. I think it should be something you can wear with anything and at anytime. Something that when you look down at your hand you think to yourself, I am pretty darn special and boy is that ring pretty.

I know Craig is probably rolling his eyes. I did just get three rings a year ago (my engagement ring, wedding band #1, and wedding band #2--because wedding band #1 was still being made). I love looking at them so much it makes me want more though! Diamonds are like chocolate. Once you have one bite, you want another, and another, and another...

Every woman should have diamonds. They are so pretty. They match everything. They will last you a lifetime. And they will be enjoyed for generations to come.
The Tiffany Swing Three-row ring is perfection. I want to run my finger over the platinum setting and see the light reflect off the rows of glittery, sparkly, beautiful diamonds. The chain setting looks feminine, but not so dainty that it lacks durability.

So what's your dream right hand ring? Take a look around. It's a lot of fun!

1 comment:

  1. I like my right hand ring (granted it's the only ring my ten digits are sporting)! It's the Tiffany Hook and Eye ring that Kevin gave me for my 22 birthday, to match my bangle bracelet, and I've worn it everyday since...
