Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bad Luck

We have been hearing from numerous people that we have bad luck. And we've had such bad luck lately that I believe if there were a medical diagnosis for bad luck, we'd be diagnosis with "chronic bad luck".

I have no idea what we have to do to buy a house. We have offered seller's more money and more time. We've waived contingencies. We've put in escalation clauses. This last offer was the nail in the coffin for "chronic bad luck". I honestly, don't know what more we could have given up or offered. We'll never really understand why we lost the house. It just comes down to, bad luck.

I have about had it with trying to buy a house on Capitol Hill. I don't understand what drives the sellers. (No, it isn't just as simple as money.) And I swear the agents here are agents of the devil. They prey on the vulnerable. They will find ways around the rules. It is all very frustrating.

And this all makes me think maybe we shouldn't be living here. Maybe all this "bad luck" is a sign that we aren't suppose to be getting tied up in anything that will keep us tied down to DC.

If anyone out there does anything in the way of giving people breaks, please put us on your list!

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